From the 1st to 10th of June 2021

The Literacy Act project is an Erasmus + project aiming at developing alphabetisation and social skills for adults’ immigrants, through the practice of theatre. The prior skills to develop are language learning and interest for culture exchanging, in order to include immigrants in our societies. During the first two weeks of June, Mobilising Expertise met online all the partners dedicated to the project, from Italy, Belgium, Cyprus and Germany.

The first part of the project was to collect the existing practices in the different partner countries. All of them jointly used the platform Miro to collect ideas and questions on three different levels: theatre, pedagogy, and communication. 

The goal was to review all linguistic skills and to help cultivate reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. After this, the partners focused on each spectatorship event that they must organise (a festival, a play or even an open-air activity), which will be one the activity to conduct for the project. This project will end with the production of a video from each partner, relating the whole project. 

Partners also participated in various ice breaking activities related to theatre and languages. For instance, the partners have to drew a silhouette of themselves down on a paper and to link each language they speak to a specific part of their body, and to explain these choices. Another activity was to introduce oneself by following a rhythm and repeat it to create a beat. By maintaining the tune the partners could create a melody all together.This workshop constituted then a fruitful first step for the project, but also an enjoyable moment to share with generous people who are willing to share their passion for theatre and teaching, and we are looking forward to meet them again in July.

The partnership:

Sozia Label e.V. – #Germany

Medeber Teatro – #Belgium

Storie di Mondi Possibili – #italy

ULearn Education Centre – #Cyprus

 Mobilizing Expertise – #Sweden

