The festival Attraversamenti Multipli 2021, which will take place from September 17 to 26 in the urban spaces of Quadraro (Rome) – artistic direction of Alessandra Ferraro and Pako Graziani Margine Operativo -, relaunches also for this edition the collaboration with the project Spettatori Migranti/Attori Sociali and Teatro e Critica, this year together with Asinitas and the involvement of Dominio Pubblico for the creation of an RE.M. Redazione Meticcia that will edit the festival’s Blog.
This year’s editorial workshop is part of the LiteracyAct laboratory. Five laboratories of intercultural editorial staff will come to life, as well as in Italy, in Belgium, Cyprus, Germany and Sweden. But what is a cross-cultural editorial staff, why, and what does it do?
– Introduction and moderation: Luca Lòtano (Redazioni Meticce)
– Through Italian school to theater: Giorgio Sena (Asinitas)
– The experience of Attraversamenti Multipli. Alessandra Ferraro (Margine Operativo)
– New generations of spectators. Tiziano Panici (Dominio Pubblico)
– Questions and sharing thoughts
– Operational meeting of knowledge and planning with the participants of the writing workshop
Asinitas APS deals with education and social intervention with the aim of promoting activities aimed at care, art, education-training, reception and testimony of minors and adults, Italian and foreign.
Attraversamenti Multipli 2021 is conceived and organized by the Margine Operativo group. It is realized with the support of MIC – Ministry of Culture, is supported by the Lazio Region with the Fondo Unico 2021 on Live Entertainment. The project, promoted by Roma Culture, is the winner of the public notice “Estate Romana 2020-2021- 2022” curated by the Department of Cultural Activities in collaboration with SIAE.
This website is one of the final products of the project “LiteracyAct – Basic literacy, transversal skills and competences for adult migrants”, Erasmus Plus KA2 Adult Education N.2020-1-IT02-KA204-080084
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