Category: Outputs

O5 – Evaluation Guidelines Assessment tools for linguistic, social and cultural skills acquired through theatre practice Evaluation and assessment are a fundamental stage of instruction in terms of goal achievement and skills development. This is based on the context and content (i.e. language level, social status, ethnic background, etc.) of each organiSation’s learning group. Therefore, […]

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O1 – Desk Research A collection of theatre practices aimed at adult migrants’ literacy and social inclusion from five European countries The aim of this research is to collect good practices employing theatre as a pedagogical tool and as a means of civic and social education for the acquisition of basic skills in disadvantaged educational […]

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Toolkit A compendium of exercises and activities to promote language learning and cultural inclusion through theatre. This Toolkit  is a simple and user-friendly “toolbox”, in which ideas, materials, suggestions can be found and used in a class, or even an L2 course, a theatre workshop, as a pathway for inclusion, integration or language learning. It […]

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LiteracyAct HANDBOOK Training people to form communities, a handbook for social workers/teachers/artists willing to improve social/cultural literacy through theatre practices. The Handbook stems from the questions raised by LiteracyAct Desk Research, a survey of theatre practices in different European contexts targeting the education or social inclusion of adults or youth. Drawing on the methodological insights […]

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VIDEO TUTORIALS A playlist of videos to supplement the sharing experience and to facilitate reproducibility of LiteracyAct activities Medeber Teatro 1) Oral production of Phonemesby MEDEBER TEATRO – Workshop leader Francesco Moraca The specific objective of the proposed activity is to help each participant work on several levels simultaneously: Breathing, Articulation, Intonation and Pronunciation, as […]

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